We bring together top scholars, thought leaders and frontrunners in business at the intersection of sustainability, technology and innovation. The selection of contributors to each programme is carefully curated to create an effective learning journey.
The contributors are presented with the position held at the time of their participation.

Johan Rockström
Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and professor, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University

Carl Folke
Science director, Stockholm Resilience Centre, and Director, Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Line Gordon
Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University and Curt Bergfors Professor in Sustainability Science

Nigel Topping
High Level Climate Action Champion for UN climate talks, COP26.

Gretchen C. Daily
Professor of Environmental Science and director, Center for Conservation Biology, Stanford University

Pavan Sukhdev
President of the board, WWF International

Frances Westley
J.W. McConnell chair in social innovation, University of Waterloo

Maria Mendiluce
CEO, We Mean Business

Karl-Henrik Sundström
CEO, Stora Enso

Beatrice Crona
Executive Director, Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere (GEDB) programme, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Annica Bresky
CEO, Stora Enso

Henrik Henriksson
CEO, H2 Green Steel

Amy Luers
Executive Director, Future Earth

Victor Galaz
Deputy director and associate professor, Stockholm Resilience Centre

Per-Anders Enkvist
Founder, Material Economics

Kate Raworth
Economist and writer, University of Oxford and Cambridge

Jesper Brodin
CEO, Ingka Group

Steve Howard
Co-Chair, We Mean Business and former Chief Sustainability Officer, IKEA Group

Jonas Samuelson
CEO, Electrolux

Paul Polman
CEO, Unilever